Carnival of the Redeemed – March 13, 2007

Welcome to the March 13, 2007 edition of Carnival of the Redeemed. We have an awesome Carnival today, and I enjoyed every post.

Bryan and Mike presents The God of Hebrew Scripture: Unjust and Evil? posted at THEOdyssey.

Matthew Paulson presents What God Has To Say About Money posted at Getting Green. This post is the first in a series, and I plan to get back to read the rest.

KevinL presents Leviticus 9:13 and Credit Card Tips posted at Pizza Delivery Stories, saying, “Just a simple post about how I realized my employer was following a Biblical principle without even realizing it.”

Suni presents Spirituality: What God wants from us posted at EternaLearning Academy.

Tracy presents I Thank You, Lord posted at Wahseh!.

I’m offering up Legalism, posted on this same blog.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
Carnival of the Redeemed on the Carnival home page. The next edition will run on the 27th, and submissions will close on the 26th.

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5 thoughts on “Carnival of the Redeemed – March 13, 2007

  1. Pingback: Spirit of the Eagle/King’z Jewel » Read it and be blessed

  2. Pingback: My Thoughts » Blog Archive » Meet Cass. The Supahstar!!!

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