On the fourth day of Vegas

my true love gave to me …more new friends, and a really rocking par-ah-ar-ty!

Oh, dudes and dudettes, Saturday was POSTIECON07. I am almost vibrating just sitting here remembering the excitement of being there. It was incredible. Seriously. It was like….breathing on helium all day. It was delightful, it was delovely, it was ……………better than sex. The gasping shortness of breath, the tingling skin, the anticipation, when you are still skating around the idea and haven’t committed yet, it was like that, only…bigger, better, more…everything. And it was like that all. day. long.

So we got there and had a few minutes to meet and greet again, and then we took out seats. I sat in the front row, because I am short, and I wanted to see! First up was David Ponce, who runs Oh! Gizmo. He talked to us about ad placement, and building a blog that has value to advertisers, so that you can eventually attract larger advertisers. Believe it or not, the way to build a blog that works for advertisers is to make sure your readers have a good experience. I knew this, but it was nice to have it confirmed. Interestingly enough, David has a badge in his sidebar for PPP, but still retains some page rank. I wonder how Arrington feels about that, considering he ran an article saying that Google slammed bloggers for being part of the PPP network?

Also interesting Arrington purports to support net neutrality quoting John Edwards

I believe that if we do not guarantee net neutrality, the Internet could go the way of network television and commercial radio – with just a few loud corporate voices and no room for the grassroots and small entrepreneurs.

If he supports net neutrality, how can he rail so much against PPP bloggers? Surely TechCrunch could be considered a corporate voice, and we are grassroots and small entrepreneurs. Sorry Mike, your actions are screaming so loudly that I can no longer hear what you are saying. Also, John Edwards, he’s well known here, but not terribly well respected. His actions are as loud as Mike’s.

Back to PostieCon07, and please forgive my digression. I try to stay on topic. Really, I do. Things just happen, yk?

Next up, Michelle Madhok, who spoke about using your passion to build a better blog that would in turn earn money. Michelle runs the sleek and useful SheFinds.com. It’s a shopping blog that finds the beauty and practicality in one place. Again, I had thought about the topic she presented, but it was awesome to hear her lay out in detail concepts that were still fuzzy for me.

After Michelle’s presentation, we had a Fab Four panel with some of the top PPP earners letting us know how they got their blog on. Ted, I’ve almost forgiven you for overlooking me. And by that I mean I will quit sticking pins in the voodoo doll when you call and apologize. Just kidding! It was great to listen to Colleen, Mr. Fab, Karen and Drew talk about their experiences and theories of blogging.

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And then there was lunch, and a cake plow. Yes, I tried to play in the cakeplow, but was so obviously out of my league among the icing encrusted faces of my friends. Blame Ted, I told him not to start with me because I had no idea what I was doing, but he did not listen.
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Then there was an advertisers panel, moderated by Dan, and that was very informative for us. I really came away with a better understanding of what advertisers want. I was surprised and pleased to find out that most of them aren’t looking for PR, but traffic.
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We wrapped up with a fly by presentation of Argus/SocialSpark, which I have already covered. A quick tear down/ clean up and it was off to get ready for the TAO. And ya’ll when Ted says party like a rockstar, he means party like a rockstar. It was fantabulously incredible, and electric, and the energy was … just intense. I could go on and on, but I’ll just say Randy dances wonderfully, and I am sorry Pete didn’t and it was fun petting Ted, and call it done.

Here are my friends with me, ready to go to the TAO:
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A shot of the red-back-lit bar from the balcony above, just because it’s a cool picture:
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And finally, the Izea team that was present, excepting Travis who was video-ing for posterity.
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Some ambience:
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And will someone please explain how I managed to not get a single decent picture of any of the members of the Izea team?

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6 thoughts on “On the fourth day of Vegas

  1. And will someone please explain how I managed to not get a single decent picture of any of the members of the Izea team?

    Maybe because it’s hard to get them to sit still? LOL

  2. Some good pics looks like you had a great time. I love the bar that gllows bright red never seeen anything like that around here.

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