:selfportraitsunday: Gotta love a blustery day at the ballpark, huh? It was 5osomething when we left this morning, heated up with amazing quickness to the low 80s and then started dropping again. I was out of my sweatshirt by 10 and back in it by 2.
I know it’s not a “perfect” picture, but by the time I realied I should take my SPS, I’d already had a burning, throbbing, itching, tearing allergy attack in my eye. Yep, only one of them. And I like the shadows in this one. I think they add nice texture to the face.
You look as if you are having a conversation with someone.
I am here: http://grandi13.com/2008/10/05/self-portrait-sunday-10-05-08/
http://ami-chan.net/2008/10/05/self-portrait-sunday-37/ is me this week. Looks like I’m not the only one who is busy.
Pingback: skeet’s stuff » Self Portrait Sunday for October 5, 2008
My allergies have been giving me fits, too – too much exposure to dust in the sheds and flowers blooming & such. One of my nostrils has developed a fever-blister-type thingie right at the tip. Adds such charm to my usual pleasant demeanor.
i liek the shadows, too.
I agree about the shadows. Very nice.
I’m not sure if I could handle it being 80 degrees in October…
sounds like weather in chicago. cold then hot and back to cold and windy.

you look pretty mad in that pic. was your team losing?