Self Portrait Sunday 10/5/2008

:selfportraitsunday: Gotta love a blustery day at the ballpark, huh? It was 5osomething when we left this morning, heated up with amazing quickness to the low 80s and then started dropping again. I was out of my sweatshirt by 10 and back in it by 2.

pic100408 5

I know it’s not a “perfect” picture, but by the time I realied I should take my SPS, I’d already had a burning, throbbing, itching, tearing allergy attack in my eye. Yep, only one of them. And I like the shadows in this one. I think they add nice texture to the face.

6 thoughts on “Self Portrait Sunday 10/5/2008

  1. Pingback: skeet’s stuff » Self Portrait Sunday for October 5, 2008

  2. My allergies have been giving me fits, too – too much exposure to dust in the sheds and flowers blooming & such. One of my nostrils has developed a fever-blister-type thingie right at the tip. Adds such charm to my usual pleasant demeanor.

    i liek the shadows, too. :mrgreen:

  3. sounds like weather in chicago. cold then hot and back to cold and windy.
    you look pretty mad in that pic. was your team losing?

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