Here’s what I looked like about halfway through mowing my yardS this week. This led directly to the wine and icecream shot I showed you earlier in the week. I can finally move without hurting again, though I still have bruises on my palms. I’m saving this shot for when I get over being mad.
On a different note, I remind myself of Grandma in this picture. I’ve noticed that a few times in photos, usually those taken when I am under great stress, either physical or emotional. I guess blood really does tell, because I don’t think I look like her under normal circumstances. But then, what is normal? And also, why couldn’t I have had some of her amazing height, too? Or maybe even just get taller under duress? It could be my secret super power.
Yow! You really go overheated, didn’t you? Is that sunburn or just flushing? Either way, it shows that you overdid it.
I’ve noticed in a few of my self portraits lately that I’m looking more like my younger borther. Strange, because I’ve never thought I looked like him before. Today I think I just look like me, but very tired.
You look like you got some sun! Mowing the lawn is no easy task — we have several acres so it takes me a few hours to get the job done.
Skeet, it was both, plus an outrageous case of what can only be called high piss off.
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