Book through Thursday, the short edition


Are you a spine breaker? Or a dog-earer? Do you expect to keep your books in pristine condition even after you have read them? Does watching other readers bend the cover all the way round make you flinch or squeal in pain?

No. No. Yes. Yes. Ok, just kidding, mostly. I know that it is impossible to keep a book looking new forever, but I do try to take good care of my books. The really good ones are like friends and I enjoy visiting them time and again, so it behooves me to treat them well. I never open a paperback past flat, and the thicker a book is the less far I open it, at least until I have the spine limber.

Now, I have something else book related that I want to discuss, and I know that many of the folks from BTT will be interested in this.

is an outfit like NetFlix for books. You pay a flat rate, and borrow books from them. Unlike the library, you keep the book as long as you need to finish it and there aren’t any late fees. I’ll be right upfront and tell you that that banner above is an affiliate banner, but I believe the service has some merit, and is of direct interest to my readers.

And here’s another thing I think will interest you: Thomas Nelson is looking for bloggers to review books. I signed up yesterday, and my first book is on the way. They do ask that you post a 200 word review on your blog and on Amazon, but in return you get to keep the book. Not a bad deal at all . NAYY, YMMV.

2 thoughts on “Book through Thursday, the short edition

  1. “I never open a paperback past flat, and the thicker a book is the less far I open it, at least until I have the spine limber.”

    That’s a pretty good rule — I agree with that.

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