Okay, I know I might seem to be fixated on the weather a bit. But really. In my last post, I talked about how cold it was going to get, and folks, believe me, it did. get. cold. But tonight, Christmas Eve, mind you, I am sitting here in my tie-dyed tee thinking, about turning the fans back on! I was just outside for a few minutes, and I do believe the temperature is rising instead of falling!
Lately, I have weeded out some of my too-large clothes, and I’ve been looking at turtlenecks and mocknecks. I picked out a few this past week (for Christmas, of course) but I’m thinking it might be time to look at tees now! Can’t you see me in some of these UFC t-shirts? All that rough stuff? No? Me either, but I could totally pull off one of the johnny cash t-shirts, right? Like, the one with the big guitar? As if I get much time to play guitar. Maybe I should go with seinfeld t-shirts, instead. That’s like totally my hair up there, you know!
In truth, though, I’d like to wear the turtlenecks for a little longer. I like it cool but not frigid. I’d be thrilled with a couple of weeks in the 50s. And then, we can go right to 75 with a light breeze for several months