Archive | July 2012

Oh My Summer Goodness!

Time for some food porn, because this idea popped into my head and it was every bit as good as I thought it would be!


Sorta peel (that means you leave some of the peel on) 2 large cucumbers. Halve them, and then slice. Put them in a bowl, drizzle with just a bit of olive oil, sprinkle with lemon pepper and salt. Stir to mix well. Halve, pit and dice 2 avocados. I dice mine right in the peel, and then push the peel inside out to release the fruit. However you do it, get the avocado into the bowl. Stir again to mix, but do it gently so you don’t mush the avocado. Serve chilled. Yumminess!

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Self Portrait Sunday 7/22/2012

So here I sit, all dolled up, ready to meet Allison for a blog tutoring session.  YK, I can’t remember the last time I actually put on makeup and earrings.  That’s kinda messed up, right?  Oh, and perfume, too.  Woohoo!  Not the greatest picture, I know, but that’s what you get in dim lighting with a webcam.

And this bring me to another question I keep struggling with.  Why, when I love the way I feel when I put on actual clothes, paint my face, and spray on good smelling stuff, do I do it so rarely?  I’m pretty sure I have asked this same question on this same blog at least a dozen times.  So why do I keep denying myself  this small pleasure?  It takes less than 15 extra minutes, and it makes me feel good all day long.

One more time, I’m going to remind me that I am worth 15 minutes of my own time every day.

When in doubt, buy new skivvies


In leopard print if you can find them. I’m just sayin….

So for a while, like, 30 years give or take, I have been confused by men.  Well, that’s not entirely true.  I understand them well enough, and I get along with them.  I both comprehend and speak man-ese.  It’s the whole man/woman dynamic that gets me  addled.  They have this on again/off again thing they do.  Want you, don’t, want you, maybe, want you, don’t, how soon can you be here, never mind cause I’m busy?  WTH?   I thought it was them, and then I saw this picture a few minutes ago, and I realized…it may be me. Maybe this whole time that I thought I was mirroring men in their indecisiveness, they were mirroring me.

I have to admit that I have a certain ambivalence about relationship. Not relationships, because I don’t deal in multiple romantic interests at once.  RelationSHIP.  I’m fairly content single, calling my own shots, doing what I want when I want.  Sometimes, yeah, I want male company.  That whole breathless excitement thing.  Confirmation that I still have it going on. But mostly I only think about my “relationship status” when one of my long-term single friends pairs off. There’s this momentary “what’s wrong with me, that I can’t find a man and form a real relationship?”

But maybe I keep ending up in the friend zone because I am a damn good friend, which is NOT a bad thing.  Maybe I end up in the friend zone because that’s exactly where I need to be, where I am most comfortable  Hmmm.  I’ll have to consider that a bit.

What does that have to do with leopard print skivvies?  Buying brazen underwear to wear for my own delight is a wildly liberating thing.  It’s a fresh perspective on small pleasures that are just about me. It’s saying to myself that it’s okay to not know exactly what I want, and a reminder that maybe, just maybe the non-relationship relationship is enough for me just now. Maybe, just maybe it’s time to quit worrying about it and enjoy it for what it is.

P.S. I found mine at Wal-Mart!

P.P.S.  This article, Unconditional Love versus Sexual Desire, though only tangentially related to this post is BOSS.  I found it by clicking a link after clicking a link Zemanta suggested.  Zemanta is also BOSS.


Listen, do you hear that?

It sounds like silence,

but it’s actually space that I

have carved out

for you to fill with words.

It lies there on the empty

pillow that is next to

my own pillow,


Two pillows on

one double bed,

one with a hollowed out

head place and one without.

There is nothing


than that.

This entry was posted on July 21, 2012, in cass writes.

Hmmm, new old toys!


Zemanta (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So, as you can see, I spent some time updating the blog.  I’ve changed the theme (I’m widgetized now!).  I’ve installed Jetpack.  I’ve gone back to visual posting so I can use Zemanta again.  And I put in a proof reader that promises to alert me if I am about to piss off half the population by using biased language such as “founding fathers.”  Unfortunately, that proofreader isn’t savvy enough to understand that there weren’t any founding mothers.  Unless you count Abigail Adams.  I’ve read that John actually talked to her about politics and such.

I have cooked lunch.  Ok, it was breakfast for me and lunch for them.  I have perused Facebook. Repeatedly.  I have played Entanglement.  I have discovered that my favorite make-up company ever, Aromaleigh, is back in business. I have sat on the couch and listened to the thunder, and right this very minute I am waiting for the rain.  I can’t decide if I want to read or sleep while I wait.

I had intentions of folding the laundry piled up in the dining area but if that happens, it will be after it cools off some.  Which it should do shortly.  I just realized the teen who slept on my couch last night turned off the fan that I have set by the ac vent.  Silly children, don’t they know I get too hot to think clearly without it?

I’m really trying to get back my blogging mojo.  I’ve become very used to Facebook’s easy share and comment routine, but that forum doesn’t really allow for the full development of ideas.  It’s been a while since I blogged with regularity, I know.  But it’s been even longer since I let my political views out on the blog.

Umm, yeah, it’s cooling off like I thought it would, but I am still sleepy.  I think I will get my book and pretend to read a bit while I wait for the sandman.  What am I reading?  The History of US, Book 1.  So glad you asked!


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Just Another Crazy Communist at Your Service

I tell ya, I am about sick of people. Seriously. In the past thirty minutes, I have been called a communist because I think the People’s Rights Amendment is a damn fine idea, and had my mental health called into question because I support a liberal political ideology. And this by folks who think they are adhering to the principles embraced by the founding fathers. Excuse me, but when I read MY Constitution, it begins with “We the PEOPLE,” not “we the corporations” or “we the wealthy.”

Read the constitution and buy a dictionary. Literacy greatly increases the chances that I won’t think you are stupid.

Image courtesy of Bob Lucas.

This entry was posted on July 18, 2012, in cass rants.


So, I am having one of those days. Yesterday, I busted up and cleaned one side of the kitchen, and meant to do the other side today. And by clean, I mean sorted, tossed, reorganized. It looks great. I meant to do the other side today, but…now I don’t particularly wanna. To add insult to injury, I went in to start on the kitchen and discovered the dishwasher was full of dirty dishes. I at least finished filling it and started it running. Progress, right?

Nor do I want to read. Or write. Or anything else for that matter. I really just want to lay around like a sloth. I’m not quite sure why that is.

I have put “update the blog” on my mental to-do list. I’ve had this theme for quite a while now. And I have outdated links in my sidebar, widgets I want to take out and others to put in, and it seems like a good time to get fresh. I really like this theme, but it’s not very customize-able. I did find one very similar that IS (or appears to be), and so I am debating between that and a more floral/feminine/pink one. I guess you’ll find out which one I chose when you visit and see it changed, right? For sure, it will be one that allows larger pictures. I like big shots, and I cannot lie. /channeling Sir MixaLot

In other news, I seem to have two teenage boys in my house, and not ones I gave birth to. One of them was apparently kicked out of his house for not finding a job. I am sitting here thinking…you know, unemployment is 8.5%. This only includes folks actively drawing unemployment. It does not include those who are looking for a first job; they are ineligible for unemployment because they have never worked. It does not include those who have been unemployed so long that their unemployment benefits have run out. So, yes, I understand parents are frustrated, but graduation was only a month ago. And jobs are scarce. And I totally get that I don’t know both sides of the story. Nonetheless, I have long been appalled that we live in a society that throws people away, from the unborn to the non-violent offender. I’m appalled that we treat relationships as conveniences instead of commitments. But I am grieved when parents throw their kids out.

I am particularly grieved that parents in my community are doing this TWO MONTHS after one of our kids killed himself, at least in part because of a bad home life. WTF are ya’ll thinking? Seriously, where is your compassion? Where is your respect for a grief process brought on by violent, sudden death? Where is your love for your children?

Ah, maybe that explains my lack of motivation. I’m not lazy, it’s just that my brain is imploding while I try to figure out how to help folks out on my already overtaxed space, funds, and time. Cleaning the kitchen suddenly seems very appealing, in that it will give me something else to think about besides this gigantic parental FAIL.

This entry was posted on July 17, 2012, in cass rants.

Room? Check!

Finally cleaned my room. Not, you know, deep cleaned, going through all the drawers and such. Just sorta use my chair and foot stool and not trip over my own shoes kinda clean. And I installed fairy lights. And I vacuumed. Which was most of what I had on my agenda today. I still need more space. Or less junk. About the only thing I can guarantee I don’t have in there is an atv winch. My major dilemma of the moment, however, is what to do with these books once I read them. Some I will give away, but some I want to keep.

Also, I have found a new way to waste vast amounts of time. Have you played Entanglement? Freaking additive! Love it! I finally managed to fill the whole board!

I really don’t have much else to say right now. Odd, I know. I do have “planning” on my agenda today, but I don’t know what yet, so there’s nothing to talk about there. Guess it’s time to attack that stack of mail, because underneath *that* is a big stack of Cosmos!

This entry was posted on July 9, 2012, in cass cleans.