January 12, In Which We Finish The Maryland Socks

It’s been a productive day. And by productive, I mean I got up and get dressed:

sweater five

Not sure if I am keeping this sweater or not. It’s comfy, but not as flattering as some others. And by the way, just to further explain all this apparent vanity–In August, I am starting a one year internship, and I will have to dress professionally at least three days per week. So, I need to get that together a bit at a time, rather than realizing on August 1st that I don’t have anything suitable to wear.

After that, I went to the mechanic’s again, and he still wasn’t ready for me. Just like yesterday, I went shopping. This is what I bought.


Then I worked on my room a bit, getting my yarn out of the trunk so that it is readily accessible. And I found my camera manual. Woohoo!

cam manual

I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening sitting on my butt watching “Jericho” with my oldest son, and finishing these Maryland socks. Goal met!

finished maryland socks

And, I wove in the ends on the Traitorous Scarf. Just need to pick up and knit down the second edge now. And yep, I’d like to have that done by Friday.