~An early phone call that I didn’t mind waking up for.
~One minute and 40 second plank. Â It was beast, ya’ll.
~Mama wanting to keep my van another day and agreeing to run my 2 errands so I didn’t have to drag the kids out to buy Motrin and milk and pay the electric bill.
~Clean floors.
~Sour-dough starter that TRIPLED instead of just doubling.
~This picture showing up in my Zemanta options.  It’s me with Mama and Deb Schwabe a few years ago.
~Pondering aspects of illusory control, controlling oneself, and situations in which one controls both what happens and one’s own response, and how I enjoy and seek out such situations.
~This conversation with my almost 12 year-old son–
Him: I don’t like tuna salad.
Me: Well, my job is to prepare the food and let you know it’s ready. Â Whatever happens after that is the result of your right to self-determination.
He ate the tuna salad
~Getting my e-cig case back. Â Yesterday was interesting with no real cigarettes and a battery that was re-charging.
R is for Righteous antique that makes me Ridiculously happy: Grandmother’s treadle sewing machine now Resides with me.
I did not want to Release it, but ………….