In case you forgot I was decluttering…

Today, in between school work, chatting with friends, and cooking, I dealt with some actual physical clutter.  Doesn’t that look nice?  I think so!


I also dealt with the bench, which now holds my throw pillows as opposed to….all that stuff I didn’t know what to do with.

Now, at the beginning of the summer I needed to do this whole room.  And in fact, I have re-arranged it twice.  I think it’s mostly in its final configuration.  All that’s left to clean and sort is the top of my dresser, my closet floor, and a stack of boxes that will probably go in the closet.  Unless I leave them out until they aggravate me to the point I actually start crafting again.

Hmm, that last may actually be a workable plan.

I’m tired.  I think it is time to shower and finish my book.