
39/365/2015 Let’s Go Grocery Shopping, They Said


It’ll be fun, they said. And actually, it wasn’t too bad. Although my daughter did accuse me of buying a cart of produce. Which was pretty much true. This week’s experiments include beets, both the root and the top. And fennel, which is no longer an experiment. It’s unruly, fresh produce, not all neat and tidy like the boxes and cans and freezer bags. It was fun to hear my kids squeal happily when they saw me pick up leeks!

Also. I might have purchased lamb for the first time ever. Which I will turn into a delicious Valentine’s dinner. At least, I hope it will be delicious. It better be, at that price.

That’s it. I’m worded out for now. It happens.

29/365/2015 Never Have I Ever


Seeded cucumbers or roasted pine nuts before.

In other news, I have a huge post in my head about fearing death, or rather not fearing it, based on something I read this morning. But after a full day of feeding the machine of society I no longer have the energy to write it.

Maybe tomorrow.

This entry was posted on January 29, 2015, in cass cooks.

27/365/2015 Germanesque


Jager Scnitzel, kartoffelsalat, rotkohl. It’s what’s for dinner. I’m attempting to make a lower fat version by sautéing the meat and then putting in the oven to finish cooking as opposed to frying it, and making a light mushroom and onion sauce instead of a full-on gravy. Also, the bacon is for the salat, and it only takes a smidge.

In other kitcheny news, I have decided, after slicing the potatoes for the kartoffelsalat, that I need a mandolin. Not the music kind. The cutting kind. I said it was kitchen news!

I got my life schedule for this semester pretty much settled today. Of course, I mucked it up right away by not being at work today, which means I will have to work Friday, but such things cannot be helped. I don’t need to pass to my residents whatever went through me yesterday.

I’m trying to think if there is anything else I want to tell John Q. Public tonight and I am coming up blank. Toodles!

This entry was posted on January 27, 2015, in cass cooks.

21/365/2015 This is Fennel


Fennel is a plant. Fennel is a plant I had never seen in it’s original form until I went to Wegman’s last Friday with my cousin. I didn’t buy any then, but I did pick this one up at Giant on my way home today. I’m roasting it tonight. You CAN teach an old dog new tricks.

I’m also roasting cabbage for the first time. These veggies will be served with turkey breast “steaks.” I’m wearing an apron and listening to Norah Jones. I love getting my cook on.

This is all the words you get today, I have fires to tend.

This entry was posted on January 21, 2015, in cass cooks.

17/365/2015 Ingredients


Gawd, I have missed cooking! This is what dinner looked like in its raw form. It’s simmering on the stove as I type and my apartment is starting to smell absolutely wonderful. I made myself a promise today as I was slicing and dicing: On Saturdays, if I am home, I will cook legit food. I realized that with Fridays off, I can squeeze in my dates AND grocery shopping. This makes me happy.

As a bonus, I only used one of those leeks in the stew. The rest have been sliced and will magically transform into potato leek soup tomorrow. Because I have potatoes. And leeks. And a crock-pot. Although I may cook it on the stove top. The largest pot in my new cookware set is quite a bit smaller than the large one in the old set. This is not a complaint. My people do not like leftovers so much, and we were throwing away a lot of food. Smaller pot size means I cook less volume, because I am one of those cooks who say “a pot of xyz” and actually mean a full pot of whatever. This was effective when I was feeding eight folks every night, but now that we are down to five and the missing three include two teenage boys, my economies of scale system needs re-calibrating. There will still be enough dinner for us to eat and also to make a couple of lunch plates. Yay for yummy lunches that don’t include chips and a candy bar.

Ok, back to dinner. I chopped the pound of stew meat into bite sized pieces and dredged it in flour and the herbs you see here. Then I browned it in two batches in a bit of olive oil. Then I diced the shallots and sauteed them and some garlic in OO. Sliced the leeks and likewise. And then the mushrooms. I added each of those things to the stew pot as they were ready, and then doused in some red wine vinegar and beef bouillon base. I added water to cover and set it to simmer. The remaining herbed flour is ready to go as a thickener if I need it. I’ll be serving the stew over spaetzle with sourdough and/or rosemary garlic rolls. I’ll roast the sprouts a little later when we are almost ready to eat.

You will note that there are over a pound of mushrooms in that package. I used them all. I told the kids I was making beef stew, but in reality this is probably best categorized as mushroom stew with a bit of beef for flavoring. Because it’s better for us to eat less red meat, and also I love me some mushrooms. I got the biggest, meatiest looking ones I could find.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to figure out what I am cooking next weekend, and then take a shower. I probably need to do some laundry as well. I’m able to admit I am having difficulty developing a system for it now that I don’t have personal machines anymore, and can’t just throw in a load whenever.



I began with ingreeeeedients. Yes,  that is cream sauce. That I made with milk and flour and such.  With vermicelli. And scallops. Be jelly, bitches.

Trying a new thing


Art of turning on the oven


And reading and playing while it makes meaty magic.