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Self Portrait Sunday 8/23/2009
As I look at this makeup-less pic, I am struck by how very much I resemble both Mama and Daddy. Very rarely do my lips look this full in a picture, but that is my dad’s mouth for sure. Also, the girl version of his eyebrows, which look amazingly like Aunt Lady’s. The eyes are definitely like Mama’s in color. Or Daddy’s depending on who you knew 🙂
Funny that this picture looks so much like them both because just this week, I rode around town telling stories of my young life to Country and Diva and a high school friend. One of the things that so thrills me about being with people my own age is that it causes my memories to come forth from whatever place they are hiding. One leads to another, and the story of my life unfolds in front of me again. It’s a very powerful thing. Drive me past my old house. Ok, let me show you mine. My dog Laddie is buried in that backyard. My best friend lived right there. By the way, I was wrong on the dates, because tonight I remember crying because I would not be riding on the school bus with her for first grade. Look, I got my foot stuck there in that grate, and I could not get it out. If you think I am tiny now, you should have seen me then. And there, my cat ran away into the swamp. And here were the geese of hatefulness. And yes, children, there really was a van worthy road where you saw only grass, just like I said. That’s where my stuff was burned. And this scar on my knee, I got it right there, falling on my bike.
You know, some people wish they could write themselves a letter from now back in time. Sometimes, living like this, when the memories come, it is like getting term life advice from my young self, if only because I begin to understand what made into the woman I am today.
Other times….well, there’s just no feeling quite like trying to share yourself with your teens and getting the groaning eyeroll for your efforts. How will they ever understand why I do what I do, the parenting decisions I make, if they refuse to know me at all? And is that really my problem if I am trying to share and they refuse to listen?
This week also brought the grand adventure of a water leak that led to significant damage in my kitchen. It’s not much to the naked eye, but the walls, insulation and floor are wet and must be torn out and replaced. It ought to be a whole lot of fun to try to care for and feed this many folks without major appliances on a rotating basis. Hopefully we won’t lose the stove and the washer on the same day.
I also registered my kids for public school this week. Five are going for the very first time. They are excited, but I wonder if they are ready. I wonder if I am ready.
This year, I have had most of the labels I wore stripped off: youth minister, worship team member, wife, homeschooling mom. It’s a strange new world I now inhabit. I am not sure whether I am shrinking or growing to fill it. I guess I won’t know for a while. I don’t feel less, though, only different.
Self Portrait Sunday
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Self Portrait Sunday 8/9/2009
Another week with no post. And yet, on Sunday, here I am. You know, sometimes habit is the only thing that keeps us going. Right now, I am doing a lot of faking it until I make it. It’s just not blog worthy, unless you want to read about the angst of a divorcing and overwhelmed middle aged mother of 8. Exciting, I know, right? Rest assured, when it gets too much, I will write about it. Until then, I’m keeping it to myself.
Self Portrait Sunday 8/2/2009
Self Portrait Sunday 7/26/09
Self Portrait Sunday 7/19/2009
I have no idea why I look half drunk in this picture. I haven’t had a drop in three days, I promise. But the other three were even worse, so we’ll go with this one.
This week, I have worked. And also worked. And had some coffee. And lunch. And I worked. And I thought about cakes, with both layers and frosting, not just frosting. Slowing down.
I spent some time thinking about the importance of making time for important things. I spent some time defining what was important. You know what I came up with? People. People are important. Also, clean laundry. And I am important. Even in the midst of all I do for others, making sure my needs are met is also important. In fact, if I don’t do that, I will be less able to do for others, and then that whole miserable cycle where I spend a couple of years wearing pajamas may start again. Hey, I like pajamas, but putting on a bra should not constitute “getting dressed”.
Let me tell you a something. You might have figured out from some of my posts here that I have a few daddy issues. And not in that perv way, but in a very real way. Both the men I’ve called/call Daddy have failed me in fairly significant ways at one time or another, mostly through no fault of their own. I truly believe both of them were doing the best they could at the time with the resources and knowledge that they had. At 41, I can see that, but then, as a child, I could not. All I saw was the fail. Anyway, as a result of that, there are other men I look up to in the way some girls look up to their dad. I saw one of them today, first time I had seen him in a couple of years. And he hugged me for the longest time, we were rubbing each others backs and telling each other it was “so good to see you again.” And when that man put his hands on my waist, they were trembling. And not from emotion, it was a purely physical tremor. I saw the same thing in another older man today that I have known for awhile. The people I admire and respect are short timers now. They are getting old. And I hadn’t noticed it in my own folks, I guess because I see them so much, and the changes are so gradual. I was so not prepared when my grandparents died just last year, and I am so not ready for this. No amount of home insurance is going to keep my emotional and mental house safe. I am the grown up now. I am being dragged kicking and screaming into areas I do not want to go.
It is so true that life is but a vapor. And on that note, I need to go slice the ham. My kids are hungry and waiting on me. That’s an important thing, and I need to make time for it.
Self Portrait Sunday 7/12/2009
I totally just typed 2007 up there! Geez, Louise. Here’s what I looked like just a few minutes ago:
I was sitting on my bed, chilling. I guess it has been so long since I posted that I ought to give you the week in review, huh?
Monday, I worked. Tuesday I worked, but I also went shopping. I got a new skirt and a shirt and a pair of gorgeous shoes. Not Danskos, but beautiful purple pumps. I have nothing to wear them with, and so this will necessitate yet more shopping. I’m going to claim to have planned it that way. Wednesday, I worked. Thursday, I worked. Friday, I worked. Saturday, I worked. Today I went to church, and this evening I will go to a church picnic with the kids. Next week, I’ll be repeating this cycle.
In between all the boring stuff, I managed to finish a book which I hope to get reviewed shortly, and I started two more. I also tore out and re-did my room, which I already discussed on my knitting blog. I had a couple of tough lessons in self-assertion that left me with knots in my stomach, a few fun phone calls, and I narrowly missed meeting a married man for coffee.
I mulled freshly remembered memories over in my mind, looking for clues to the woman I am today and I realized how very much I miss communicating volumes of words in one simple touch. Those last two are strictly unrelated.